Explaining How To STOP COPE Payments to NY Teacher Unions


TEACHERS FOR CHOICE has launched our STOP COPE campaign. This is where we call on all New York Educators, from all teacher unions, to stop paying the political action COPE money to their unions, and instead redirect that money to the Health Freedom Defense Fund for New York Educators to prepare for lawsuits and battles against medical mandates. If you STOP COPE this is not stopping union dues. You will still be a full member of your union.

Please watch the first 8 minutes of the above TEACHERS FOR CHOICE press conference to learn how to do this and why you should do this. We need many more educators supporting this campaign.

Once you STOP COPE payments, please send that money to :

Health Freedom Defense Fund

PO Box 7217, Ketchum, ID 83340.

And write “NYTC Legal” in the check note

After you watch the video, if you still have more questions about our STOP COPE campaign, learn more HERE

Email any questions you may still have to us at nyteachersforchoice@ gmail.com

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