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We have received a great response to our STOP PAYING COPE campaign. COPE is a political action contribution educators pay in New York to their unions. Questions are coming up, and we hope to answer all of them here:

QUESTION – Will stopping COPE payments take away any of my union benefits?

NO – COPE is a political action fund and is 100% voluntary. You will not lose any of the benefits provided to you by your union or employer by stopping COPE, and you will still be a member of your union.

QUESTION – Is this effort only for NYC Educators?

NO – this effort is STATE WIDE. We are encouraging ALL NEW YORK STATE EDUCATORS to sop paying COPE and instead send those funds to the Health Freedom Defense Fund to help us fight forced medical mandates to maintain our jobs.

QUESTION – Can private school teachers contribute to the Health Freedom Defense Fund?

YES – please send your check or money order to the same PO BOX in the same fashion described in our original post. We greatly appreciate the support of all New York educators, regardless of whether you are a part of a union or not. Send funds to:


Donate to TEACHERS FOR CHOICE by clicking HERE


QUESTION – My paycheck says “UFT POL DUE S” – is that COPE?

YES – but it may be a combination of things. For example, if you have taken a loan from the UFT they may have included your loan and COPE into this section.

QUESTIONS – Do retirees pay COPE?

NOT CLEAR – we are still looking into this. If any retirees have an answer to this question, please email us. Thank you.

As more questions come in, we will continue to post answers to them here.

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